This week on EV Rider we’re time traveling far into the future, the way it used to be, to find out what happened to Elon Musk’s personal first-generation cherry-red Tesla Roadster that was launched into the cosmos aboard a SpaceX rocket in 2018.
Tesla’s first-generation Roadster arguably started the EV revolution before riding off into the sunset in 2012 to make way for the higher volume Model S.
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This is where our story shifts from EVs and science-fact to the delightful world of animated science-fiction with a retro feel that will have you right at home if you enjoyed Saturday morning cartoons like Jonny Quest or Star Trek: The Animated Series.
Normally I’d hop on my EV to head to an interview, but since we’re entering the world of science fiction, this week I’m going to beam directly from Jacksonville, Florida to Houston, Texas.
Houston is home to the recently launched Retro TV YouTube channel, which streams the new Matt Mercury cartoon series – and yes – this a crossover edition of EV Rider so you’ll find me appearing in the latest episode in of Matt Mercury in cartoon form.

Matt Mercury is the brainchild of friends Bill Hughes and Matt Lavine.
They both have a background in media. Matt was a long-time on-air meteorologist and entertainment reporter at KRIV-Fox 26 in Houston while Bill has made his career in art and as a creative director, working on such projects as Star Wars: Droids.
So what happens to the Roadster far into the future? Watch the cartoon episode in this post to find out, but first watch the EV Rider episode at the top of this post to meet the creators of Matt Mercury and see how they produce the cartoon series.
Back to science fact, did you know you can actually track the real Roadster’s journey in space? To check the Roadster’s current location visit the webpage.
Now it’s time for me to beam back home to Jacksonville so I can get back to the real world of EVs. As always, if you’ve enjoyed this episode of EV Rider, be sure to give it a like and subscribe to my YouTube channel.