This week on EV Rider I’m trying something new that just might represent the future of video production.
EV Rider is jumping into the world of virtual reality. Starting this week some episodes will be rendered two ways: one as regular 4K video and the other in 4K 3D Spatial Video for virtual reality headsets.
I’ll also be posting some 360-degree virtual reality video clips. If there’s enough of an audience, I’ll keep doing it and maybe even invest in some new gear to really do 3D spatial and 360 videos justice.
If you’ve only seen 3D-video or 360-degree video on a TV, computer or smartphone; then you haven’t really experienced what the two formats are capable of.
Since I usually cover the EV-life on this channel, here’s a brief overview of virtual reality in 2024: It’s the future come to life. Your living room, garage, office or just about anywhere can be transformed into a virtual world with the touch of a physical or virtual button on a VR headset.
Just like those old Star Trek: The Next Generation holodeck episodes, VR will show you boundaries whenever you walk toward a wall, chair or whatever, to make sure you don’t trip back into the real world.

The latest headsets and VR glasses from Apple, Meta and others have come a long way in a few short years.
I’m using an AI 3D modeling program from Owl3D that accurately captures spatial relationships to create a more immersive experience than can be achieved on big screen TVs with flat 2D video.
It’s processor intensive. For example, the first EV Rider episode intended for YouTube VR took more than 14 hours to render.
If you’ve got a VR headset, keep checking the new EV Rider 360-degree VR and 4K 3D playlists as I add more immersive content.
Most importantly, if you’re into VR be sure to share my VR content, because without an audience there’s really no point. For those of you that don’t care about VR, don’t worry, EV Rider’s focus isn’t changing.
I’m merely looking to see if it might be worth expanding the EV programming experience, just as the broadcast TV networks did when color television came along, or later with HDTV.
And a quick note for you Apple Vision Pro users: You’ll want to download Moon Player to watch EV Rider and other YouTube immersive content in all of its 3D and 360 glory.
If you’ve got any questions about getting EV Rider on YouTube VR or the VR experience, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best to answer them. Look for EV Rider to get back on track with another EV-focused episode next week.